Inspired by Tokyo, where train stations are home to some of the world’s most renowned sushi counters, YONO brings that same elevated experience to New York City’s busiest train hall. Nestled within Moynihan Station, YONO’s intimate omakase bar offers innovative sushi and temaki,expertly crafted by our chefs, alongside shareable appetizers—all designed to deliver an unforgettable dining experience.
YONO’s Chef Andrew Oh honed his skills in some of San Francisco’s most celebrated restaurants, including Michelin Guide favorites Friends Only and Robin.
Now Andrew can be found at the helm of YONO’s omakase bar, personally crafting a delicious journey through taste, texture, and the artistry of sushi.
YONO’s omakase guests can enjoy a variety of nigiri, sashimi, and temaki, as well as a variety of chirashi and hot donburi rice bowls.
MONDAY to FRIDAY 11am to 8pm